Monday, December 19, 2011
Patience is a virtue...
Lately I am having a hard time keeping my cool with a certain little one in my life. Sophie has been pushing me to my wits end on everything lately. I know they say deployments are the most difficult on her age group. This is mostly because she knows Jake isn't here, but is not exactly understanding the where, when and whys of it all. I am aware that I have been blessed with a very well behaved little girl, but lately it's like she is a different person. It's not all day everyday, but it is at least one or more times everyday that we have a huge battle over the simplest of things, such as getting dressed! Does anyone out there have any advice? I'm starting to lose it and don't want everyday to be this way. I just want my sweet Sophie back:(
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sweet and sassy
For those of you who have been around our Sophie girl, you would most likely say she is sweet and shy. That is why I am in such shock the past couple of days with her sassy behavior! Don't get me wrong a little sass is pretty cute at 3, but yesterday we just couldn't find the sweet and I was about to lose it!
I was expecting a little rebellious behavior having her Papa deployed, but wow were the last couple of days challenging!? She wasn't feeling well so I tried to be more patient. Nothing seemed to work when it came to disciplining her. I even told her Lilly went back to Santa and won't be back until she starts behaving. Her response, "That's a bad word Mama!" So I guess behaving to her is naughty, quit the contraire little one I am working with!
Thankfully she did much better today and my high blood pressure has subsided! So on that note I think I may actually catch up on some reading tonight and relax into the beautiful sound of nothingness:)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Friends Forever
Tomorrow is our annual girls Christmas party and luckily even with all the miles between us, I have been able to make it almost every year. My friends and I started this tradition back when we were in high school. I couldn't help in anticipation for tomorrow, reminiscing some of our greatest moments. One that came to mind was the time I tried my first cigar. I was thinking I was super cool until the dizziness came over me and I turned three shades of green. Lesson learned: Do not inhale to look cool when smoking a cigar! Another year we all experienced our first ever adult film. Ha! Creepy I know, but we thought it would be hilarious to slip the dirty movie in instead of the movie that everyone was expecting, which I'm pretty sure was a chick flick. Going to the video store(yes video store, we're old) I remember Erin and I kicking open the "Over 18" room door and seeing men in there who were taking the whole thing way to seriously in our opinion. We were laughing so loud I'm sure everyone in the store could here us. I also remember playing games that we actually believed somehow could actually predict our future husbands, finances and otherwise. Oh if life were really that simple:) Mostly, I love how no matter how much time has passed we pick up where we left off, talking and laughing and of course snacking and drinking:)
The memories I have with these girls grows with every year that passes. Throughout the years, despite going to different colleges, marriages, divorces, baby blessings, love, heartache, miles between us, etc. we remain the greatest of friends. Love you all so much!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Unfinished business...
One of the suggestions our commanders wife gave us while the guys are gone, is to set goals for ourselves. I started thinking about things that I have left unfinished. The first thing that came to mind was completing the book, The Purpose Driven Life. This book was given to me years ago by a friend during one of the most difficult times in my life. I have been halfway through it for years now and finally dug it out of our collection of books and brought it home with me to start soul searching a bit.
Whenever I have more time on my hands, which lets face it, isn't often, I find it refreshing to work on myself. The last time I did this I was looking for answers on how to be a better person and growing into the person I want to become. Ironically, it is still what I am searching for. I believe it is important to continue working on ourselves and character building throughout the course of our busy, hectic, and sometimes crazy lives.
Last night I began where I left off, Chapter 25: Transformed by Trouble. This really hit home for me. Lately my prayer list seems to be growing and I have more questions than ever on why such saddening, hurtful and devastating things are happening in this world.
As I began reading, a verse from the bible that stuck with me was this, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit." How true this is when I look back on the years behind me. Most of my growth as a person, as well as a Christ follower, has been at the most desperate times in my life. A quote from the author says this, "It is during suffering that we learn to pray our most authentic, heartfelt, honest-to-God prayers." I remember a few years back when all I wanted to do was dig a hole and hide away from the weight of my problems. I began using prayer as a daily part of my life and opening myself up for growth. I remember praying for a new start and for forgiveness of so many things, but most of all giving up the reigns and putting my life in his hands. Praying was my safe haven and it became a huge part of my daily life. The author says, "What happens outwardly in your life is not as important as what happens inside you. Your circumstances are temporary but your character will last forever."
"Since God intends to make you like Jesus, he will take you through the same experiences Jesus went through. That includes loneliness, temptation, stress, criticism, rejection, and many other problems. The Bible says Jesus "learned through suffering, why would God exempt us from what he allowed his own Son to experience?"
A long post I know, but A Purpose Driven Life is powerful read if you are looking for something to really challenge you to look within and find yourself.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Christgiving celebration
This year because Jake is leaving soon we have decided to combine the two upcoming holidays to simplify things. We like to call it Christgiving. This time of year makes me so happy. We have a snow white view here in Minot already and last night we had hot chocolate, sang along to Christmas music and decorated the tree. Well Sophie had hot chocolate, Jake and I had Baileys and coffee:) Sophie is at such a great age for Christmas this year. She is super excited Lilly(her Elf On The Shelf) has made her arrival. You should have see her face when she saw Lilly appeared last night! She asked so many questions about her elf friend... "Is she real, does she talk, how did she get here?" It's crazy that my three old is already questioning the seen and unseen and how things can be "magical". We did our best at explaining and I am hoping we have a believer for many years to come. I end this blog by saying, have a blessed Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christgiving:)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
It's that time again...
I have been really wanting to get back into writing again, so I thought what better time than now. It has been almost a year since my last post and I can't help but find it ironic that my last post was celebrating Jake returning from Guam. Currently we are busy preparing for our next 4-6 month deployment. Although I can't share the exact dates, it is unfortunately just around the corner.
Last time was tough, but spending time at home with family definitely helped pass the time. This time around with Sophie being three and a total Daddy's girl, I am anticipating the worst. My sweet baby girl is a creature of habit and anything rocking our family dynamics is sure to cause some melt downs.
Sophie waits anxiously at the top of the stairs every night when she hears the garage door. When Jake walks in she jumps excitedly into Jake's arms and showers him with hugs and kisses. Papa plays many roles in her life, her favorite being her best rough housing partner! Most nights after dinner they go downstairs and she fills the house with laughter and squeals playing with her Papa. Dinnertime is family time in our house and she does not like it when Jake works late and we can't "eat as a family." We will have one sad little girl on our hands when this day comes, but we are trying to make the best of the time we have before D-day.
One thing we enjoyed when Jake was deployed last time was putting together care packages. We have already started putting a package together for him and with Sophie's love of coloring, he should be covered when in comes to home decor! We are also putting together a photo album with some fun memories of all of us that will put a smile on his face during the lonely times apart. We are going to try and skype most days which Sophie is sure to love. She isn't shy about putting on a show for Nana and Gampy and Auntie Bre, Uncle Eric and Breckin, so I am guessing she we will be no stranger to the camera when we skype with Papa.
We are going to head home Polar Express style for Christmas. I have already told Sophie we will have hot chocolate and wear pj's just like they do in the movie! Although we aren't heading to the North Pole, we are just as excited to be surrounded by some of our favorite people!
With our new little addition, it will be great for everyone to get to know her blossoming personality.
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