Friday, April 15, 2016

Stamp Haven

My name is Tiffany and I am a Mama of two sweet little girls and a pilots wife, living a life full of surprise. I choose sweet over savory in life and in the kitchen and I believe in using our God given talents to help others.

My mission for has always been about inspiring others to be kind, be brave and have courage.

I have been working on building this business for a year now and although it's a small part of my everyday life, I truly take heart in making jewelry and gifts that matter.

Thank you stopping by and I look forward to creating you a piece that you will treasure for years to come.

Tiffany Campione
Visit me on Instagram @stamphaven1

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Our Family Recipe...

You guys, my hubby is home! In honor of having our little tribe back together, I thought Our Family Recipe, would be a great way to express how fulfilled our hearts are now that we have our big strong man back.

Our family recipe...

Flour - This ingredient is not the most exciting ingredient alone, it's lacking in flavor and color, and it is responsible for the largest portion of the family recipe.  It's our daily lives, a sometimes mundane, but essential part of this recipe.  As you grow up you begin to discover life can not be stimulating at all times. And when a piece of the family is missing, we yearn so badly for the days of repetition and predictability in our lives.

Salt - Thankfully, this recipe only calls for a pinch of this ingredient, but let's face it, life has it's salty moments.  Everyone argues from time to time and you know what, it's ok. I don't know about you, but life would be a snooze fest without freedom to have our opinion and passion about certain topics, even if they are different than our family members.  We find strength and courage when we are challenged and I believe this is how we develop into the best version of ourselves. That said, there are also the less complicated, yet salty exchanges...babe can you please keep your socks OFF the floor? MmmK moving on...

Eggs - This ingredient is the glue and what holds us all together.  Our values make up this ingredient, the teachable moments that we learn from our children and that they are learning from us.  Character building is at the center of this key ingredient. Here are a few we believe to be important: God is first, family is second, our manners do matter, choose kindness always, we've been given so much, be grateful and give back, you are never alone, and make time for prayers everyday.

Butter - This ingredient holds our most tender feelings.  It's our tears and fears, our inner vulnerable selves, that we trust only one other with. It's deep and rich and so very much needed.

Baking Soda/Powder - When life fall flat this ingredient is essential to lift each other up, assuring that we rise above our circumstances and never give up. Tomorrow is a blank canvas, create something beautiful, but only after coffee.:)

Sugar - Right here is the sweetness in life and the tastiest of all of the components. The sugar in our family recipe is the comfort, the sound of laughter, beautiful smiling faces, it's all the firsts, the tight hugs around our neck, it's waking up together on Christmas morning, spending weekends making memories, it's date nights for me and the Mr. and its the validation for us, that even on the toughest days, there will always be a moment of sweetness, so embrace it.

There you have it.  It's really very simple.  Individually, the ingredients wouldn't be much to indulge in, but when mixed all together, it truly is delicious.

