To the stay at home Mom's and the Mom's that go to work, to those who choose organic and those who couldn't care less, to those who send their kiddos to public schools and other's who home school, to those who are pro-vaccinations and to those who are anti-vaccinations, to Mother's who choose to nurse and to those who bottle feed, let me just say...You are beautiful. You are enough. You are strong. You are at times under appreciated, yet you never quit. You are your child's hero and their warm embrace. You are tired, oh so tired, but you keep moving.
You are the maker behind the most delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You are their comfort when their feelings are hurt. You are their goodnight kisses at the end of each day. You are their hand holder as you teach them to look both ways. You are the provider of one more drink of water, one more book and one more hug good night. You have purpose. You were chosen specifically for your child. You fit your child's needs in a way that only you can. Your arms are your child's safe haven. You, yes you, are all of these things!
Motherhood is complicated and we make up a very diverse group of amazing women. We come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, etc. What's truly remarkable to me, is that although we may not always agree on our parenting styles, decipline methods, values or otherwise, the above statements are universal. Even though our personal choices may vary in opposite ends of the spectrum, we are all doing what we believe to be the very best for our children. Our children we have loved, since the moment we heard the rhythmic sound of their sweet heartbeating.
On our worst days, when our patience runs low and our energy is on empty, lets remember God put us in this wonderful position for a reason. We have a fascinating and at times daunting responsibility of shaping these beautiful, tiny humans. But you know what gives me comfort, we are in this together. Encourage one another, lend a hand when we see one of our fellow Mama's struggling, because we have all been there and we are sure to be there again.
No matter our differences, this weekend, on Mother's Day, we are all celebrated. On Sunday morning I will think of you and your sweet littles, as I also soak in the sweet moments with my precious angels who gave us the most important title we will ever have.
I would also like to acknowledge women who have not yet experienced Motherhood and are desperate to have a baby, I'm praying for you and truly believe God's timing is perfect, which gives me great hope for you and your family.
Sweetest blessings and Happy Mother's Day!