Sophie turned 9 months old(young) on Monday! She started crawling on Sunday and we of course had to video tape it! It is just so cute. It started as a barrel roll and then an army crawl, but now she's got it! Everyday she surprises me. She does patty cake, waves bye-bye, so big, and we are trying new things everyday.
Yesterday we went on a walk and sat and played under a beautiful tree in our neighborhood. It was great spending time with her outside. She loved the flowers(weeds), except I had to take them away because she wanted to eat them!
Sophie and I went swimming for the first time too. I don't know which was cuter...her bikini or her kicking her little feet in her floating tent Gampy and Nana got her?!?

We watched Daddy play baseball on Sunday night and I think he was quite proud to have is baby girl there!

We are heading to the lake on Thursday and couldn't be more excited to see the family!! We are in much need of good times with the fam, it's been too long! Boating, sunshine, cocktails, and dance doesn't get better than that!
Oh my gosh she seriously gets more beautiful every single day... she is SO incredibly adorable!!! I can't wait to see her in 2 days!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the crawling video... oh my gosh she's just too cute!!!!!!!